Want to Know About Us

Embark on a Journey Towards Holistic Well-being with IBalance

Our Promise to You

At IBalance, your journey towards holistic health transcends beyond mere physical milestones. We promise a personalized, data-driven experience, simplifying science and ensuring your path to wellness is as unique as you are. With iBalance, you’re not just investing in a piece of equipment; you’re aligning with a partner dedicated to navigating you through every stride towards optimal balance and well-being

 Our Values

  • Simplistic Science

    There are many variations of passages of is but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

  • Empowerment for All

    Catalyzing every individual’s potential, ensuring each journey with iBalance is empowering and transformative

  • Holistic Approach

    Promoting a comprehensive journey that harmoniously blends mind, body, and spirit, ensuring your path to wellness is all-encompassing

  • Inclusive Fitness Journey

    Embracing diversity, iBalance is crafted to cater to every individual, ensuring inclusivity in the path to wellness.

Meet the Ibalance Team

Jose “Tony” Trevino Founder & CEO

Jose brings to iBalance a rare blend of mechanical expertise, creative flair, and relentless innovation. His journey, from a versatile mechanic to the creator of iBalance, showcases a commitment to pushing boundaries and fostering trust through his technical adeptness

Steven Haahr President & COO

Jose brings to iBalance a rare blend of mechanical expertise, creative flair, and relentless innovation. His journey, from a versatile mechanic to the creator of iBalance, showcases a commitment to pushing boundaries and fostering trust through his technical adeptness

Our Journey

From its inception, IBalance has been a beacon of innovation, merging technology with profound insights into human biomechanics. Our journey, from a mere concept to a transformative tool, has been driven by a relentless pursuit of simplicity, effectiveness, and genuine impact on our user’s health and wellness journey

Why IBalance

Our machine is meticulously designed to cater to your unique fitness journey, offering personalized, data-driven experiences that evolve with you.

Become a part of the IBalance Community

Where we celebrate every milestone, share experiences, and continuously evolve together towards holistic health. Engage with us through challenges, stories, and more, as we navigate the path to wellness, balance, and strength.